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material analyses
with industrial ct scanning

Industrial CT scanning is an easy and efficient way to provide results based on a non-destructive approach to generate data used to characterize internal features and a complete reconstruction of the 3D model. Multiple material analyses can be performed with the use of industrial Computed Tomography, from traditional industrial analyses, such as process defects detection in samples (voids, cracks, porosities), to metrology tasks such as dimensional measurements of the external as well as the internal features of complex geometries. 

Industrial CT  scanning improves the product lifecycle, from quality control to research & development and production for material analyses applications.

Material micro structure analyses - High Resolution Inspection

Visualize inside your component with an ultra-high resolution (0,35 µm)

Industrial CT scanning gives the opportunity to visualize tiny details with an ultra-high resolution. With a resolution below the micrometer, details at a nano scale can be observed. Computed tomography is widely used in many industrial research labs, as automotive, plastic industry, oil and gas …, to study and characterize components, understand their behavior and optimize simulations. 

Computed tomography with high resolution performance is an essential tool for scientists, biologists, quality engineers, who deal with materials of which the micro internal structure and its changes are important to understand the process going on into it and the behavior of the material.

Porosity & Inclusion analyses

Inspect a component internally and externally

Industrial CT scanning is a great tool to visualize and quantify defects in 3D. X-rays in computed tomography are very sensitive to density material variations, and defects at different scales, down to hundreds of nanometers, can be detected.


Post-processing with a dedicated software enables the generation of complete porosity analysis reports and a classification of their geometry, according to their volume, sphericity or roundness. A classification based on several different criteria permits to visualize the different objects according to a color code.

Fiber Analyses

Understand composite parts behavior with CT scanning

Industrial CT scanning is a valuable non-destructive tool for the determination of fiber orientation and distribution in composite components, as well as the detection of fiber agglomeration and porosities, in combination with mechanical properties of the fibers and the matrix. Various parameters about individual fibers can be characterized, like tortuosity, fiber length or diameter, etc.  Characterization and classification based on several criteria can be directly reported.


Composite components are widely used in lightweight construction industries (aeronautic, automotive...). Moreover, fiber distribution provides important information on mechanical properties of the manufactured component. Using Computed Tomography results, composite properties can be easily evaluated and analyzed at high accuracy.



An even more complete analysis of the mechanical behavior of the composite material can be carried out by reproducing the desired mechanical stress conditions (traction, compression, torsion, temperature variations) in a dedicated in-situ cell. This allows a better understanding of rupture mechanisms, and materials behaviors thanks to X-ray CT scans. 

CT scan analyse des défauts

Defect Analyses

Comprehensive defects inspection

Non-destructive testing allows the inspection of defects in the material's structure such as cracks, porosities or inclusions. A multitude of industrial applications require the use of computed tomography, to control manufacturing objects during the production stage.

Cracks, voids, porosity and inclusions analysis reveal important physical properties questioning the quality of the component and its performance characteristics.

CT provides the ability to detect, identify and quantify defects and visualize with 3D representations. Using a color code, a defects visualization by sizes, shapes or other criteria can be performed and the analysis results can be output in different formats and used to improve products quality.

Welding characterization

Assess every welds on your components

A large number of components contain interfaces between various parts (welding, gluing and assembly) and those interfaces must be of high quality to ensure the component's performance. Micro-ct is used to quality control these components in an easy way.

On casting components, a lack of fusion (LOF) along the weld leads to an interruption of material cohesion, and a LOF can bring failures during the life time of the component. Industrial CT scanning, and particularly the laminography mode is the best technique to easily and quickly inspect many welds as well as control in real time the welding parameters. Similarly to LOF, a lack of glue is also easily visible on less dense parts.

Quantitative analysis allows a comparison between the total volume and the void/inclusion volumes. Determination of the critical bonded heights at a given point along the weld, or adhesive bead can also be performed.

Assembly Inspection

Inspect even complex parts with industrial CT scanning 

Compared to most Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) techniques, Industrial CT scanning is not limited by the sample geometry, so it allows inspection of assemblies and/or complex parts.

When an object is assembled from different components, it will present multiple hidden features and elements. Computed Tomography can be implemented to investigate the assembly quality at any step of the production with the distinct advantage of providing an internal visualization of the object without having to disassemble it, from quality control to research & development, and production. 

Failure analyses - First article inspection (FAI)

Reduce time to market with Industrial CT scanning

Computed Tomography (CT scan) is an efficient tool on the First article inspection. It helps to control effectively all components features in quality control, reduce consistently the time to market by providing useful information, not available with traditional inspection devices, to bring the necessary adjustment to the production process or to the component geometry.

Non-destructive testing allows defects identification in the material's structure such as cracks, porosities or inclusions. CT scans provide the ability to detect, visualize and quantify these defects, with 3D representations. Using a color code, it's easy to visualize defects by sizes, shapes and the analysis results are available in different formats.


Dynamic results with time and motion 


4D Computed Tomography is an elaborate technology used to inspect external and internal features of objects with time and motion included, obtaining a very dynamic reconstructed sample. 

This concept has emerged in Computed Tomography because of its elaborate understanding of your parts at all stages of a product life cycle. With a 4D CT system you will be able to inspect how, where, why & when a sample you’re scanning has defects. That is why product failure is not an option with 4D CT. 
