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EasyTom L 450: high energy and high resolution in a compact format. Unequalled NDT performance for industrial inspection.

High energy and high resolution - Greater versatility thanks to a dual-tube configuration.

The EasyTom L 450 - High Energy offers unrivalled flexibility thanks to its optional dual-tube configuration. Combine a 450 kV high-energy tube for analysis of dense parts or complex alloy assemblies, with a 150 kV microfocus sealed tube, to obtain detail from 40 µm down to 5µm. A versatile, complementary combination for quality control of your industrial parts.


Flat Panel & LineScan: acquisition without compromise.

The EasyTom L 450 can be fitted with different types of Flat Panel, depending on the type and size of part to be inspected. To take quality control and data accuracy even further, it is now possible to equip our latest CT scanner with a LineScan. Flat Panel: Captures high-resolution images with rapid acquisition and a wide field of view, ideal for inspections requiring a global view of parts. LineScan: Reduces scattering artefacts, improves contrast and optimises acquisition of fine detail, particularly useful for very dense materials or complex geometries.


A compact, powerful and high-performance CT system

The EasyTom L 450 combines high energy and compact size, offering a tomographic solution suited to industrial environments and confined spaces. Optimized format: With a footprint of just 2.9 m², our CT scanner fits easily into a laboratory or production floor. Optimized scan volume: A source-to-detector distance (SDD) of 1,400 mm means you can inspect large parts while maintaining high image quality. Robustness and reliability: Designed for intensive industrial use with a sealed tube, the EasyTom L 450 kV can be used for long periods with reduced maintenance..



Design InSitu Results Equipment


  • High energy: Up to 450kV, single or dual tubes, meso and micro-focus
  • Performance: Very high spatial resolution down to 5µm thanks to the second micro-focus tube
  • Easy integration: compact CT system: Length 2.4 m x width 1.2 m - Height: 2.0 m - 2.9m² footprint
  • Versatility: Wide choice of high-performance Flat Panel imagers, can be combined with a LineScan
  • Large internal space: 1400 mm SDD. Large scan volume: up to Ø475 x 580 mm
  • Precise mechanics: granite base, anti-vibration damping, linear encoders, internal temperature control
  • Ergonomic: lowered loading point. Open door adjustments. Up to 9 moving axes. Motorized tube-imager distance
  • Low maintenance: Robust design and components. Sealed tubes. Easy maintenance access
  • Easy: Motorised centring plate can support up to 80 kg. Switch from tube to tube and from Flat Panel imager to LineScan in less than a minute, without calibration
  • Efficient: High-speed scans, automated scan-to-analysis, sample loader for extended autonomy, motorized door for robotic loading.




Aerospace blade. Left slice made at 225 kV and right slice made at 450 kV



Automotive turbine. Left slice made at 225 kV and right slice made at 450 kV

Impréssion 3D métal 

Pièce impression 3D métal. Coupe de gauche faite à 225 kV et coupe de droite faite à 450 kV



Implant médical. Coupe de gauche faite à 225 kV et coupe de droite faite à 450 kV

freely configurable
lab ct system

Micro & Nano focus tubes

High-resolution configurations of tubes up to a maximum of 300 kV guarantee a very high resolution and short scanning times

Lab solution design for In situ

Lab CT system that can be enhanced with In situ testing for dimensional measurments and material testing under specific test conditions

Scalable CT system

UltraTom can be upgraded at any moment with a large choice of tubes, flat panels and cameras

Micro & Nano focus tubes

High-resolution configurations of tubes up to a maximum of 300 kV guarantee a very high resolution and short scanning times

Lab solution design for In situ

Lab CT system that can be enhanced with In situ testing for dimensional measurments and material testing under specific test conditions

Scalable CT system

UltraTom can be upgraded at any moment with a large choice of tubes, flat panels and cameras


X-Act : Un logiciel tout-en-un pour l’acquisition et la reconstruction 3D

X-Act est un logiciel puissant et intuitif conçu par les équipes de RX Solutions pour optimiser l’ensemble du processus d’inspection par tomographie. De la configuration du système à la reconstruction 3D, il centralise toutes les fonctionnalités essentielles pour garantir des résultats précis et de haute qualité.
Grâce à son interface ergonomique, X-Act simplifie la gestion des acquisitions et assure une reconstruction optimale des images, quel que soit le type d’échantillon analysé et cela pour tous nos tomographes industriels.
X-Act offre bien plus qu’une simple interface pour l’acquisition et la reconstruction de scans 3D, c’est une solution complète, avec une interface ergonomique, optimisée de façon régulière et intégrant de nombreuses de nombreuses fonctionnalités avancées afin d’obtenir des résultats de qualité quel que soit le type d’échantillon.
Les caractéristiques de X-Act en font une solution intuitive et performante. Notamment grâce à ses 14 modes d’acquisition :

Tomographie pas à pas

Tomographie continue

Tomographie à angles limités

Tomographie à angles variables

Tomographie stack

Tomographie shift

Centrage virtuel

Tomographie pas à pas

Tomographie continue

Tomographie à angles limités

Tomographie à angles variables

Tomographie stack

Tomographie shift

Centrage virtuel

Tomographie Region Of Interest

Tomographie ROI post scan


Anti-ring shift

Tomographie Hélicoïdale

Tomographie 6-pass

Tomographie 4D CT

Tomographie Region Of Interest

Tomographie ROI post scan


Anti-ring shift

Tomographie Hélicoïdale

Tomographie 6-pass

Tomographie 4D CT

X-act : a powerful software
radioscopy, Acquisition & Reconstruction

From CT system configuration to 3D CT rendering, everything is combined in one single software

The X-Act software integrates an ergonomic interface that allows the inspection of your samples with precision. It is an acquisition and reconstruction software that integrates many features to get the best results for any sample.
As an intuitive solution, its main features are multiple acquisition modes (conventional, helical, laminography, shift & stack), automatic calibration and stabilization, real-time artefact correction (beam hardening, metal artefacts, circular artefacts...) and three user modes adaptable to the user experience (expert mode, guided acquisition mode and wizard mode).

rx solutions
TRAINING - sUPPORT & services

Training - Support & Services

Our Services Team will support you from system planning and installation to system operation and maintenance. They will provide you with basic and expert training, with hot line support and remote assistance and with comprehensive preventive and corrective maintenance contracts. 
We will ensure that your CT system is kept upgraded with the latest functionalities we develop, to enhance its performance and to better serve your applications. Our Services Team will help prevent unnecessary downtime and extend the lifetime of your CT system to maximize your return on investment.